India’s Unwavering Battle Against Cancer: A Victory of Knowledge, Initiative, and Confidence

PM Modi cited a new study that was released in the internationally recognized medical magazine The Lancet and that found a startling statistic: In India, 90 percent of cancer patients are currently treated promptly, which is defined as beginning treatment within 30 days after being diagnosed. The government’s premier healthcare program, the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, is directly responsible for this noteworthy accomplishment. 

The Prime Minister emphasized that prior to this program, the high expense of cancer screenings and treatment made many people reluctant to get them, especially those from lower-income groups. Today, families can put their health above financial concerns thanks to this game-changing service, which offers assurance and financial help.

India’s achievements in the fight against cancer are evidence of the strength of creativity and tolerance. PM Modi finished by expressing hope that India would further lower cancer-related mortality and serve as a global model if it remains united and determined. 

“Let us pledge to be warriors in this fight against cancer—each one of us can make a difference,” he said as he concluded with a stirring statement. We can achieve a healthier India.

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